The day finally arrived! My team and I were setting out for Nepal.
My morning was pretty pleasant with a helping of bacon butties and proper coffee with the parentals and boyfriend. It felt pretty weird saying goodbye to my parents at home. It's not a place I feel comfortable saying my goodbyes. And yes I was a bit of a girl and had a little sob. They have been absolutely brilliant through this whole process and I love them immensely. I'm very lucky to have such a loving and supportive family network.
Ryan drove me to Kingston upon Thames to the VSO head office (we were having our pre-departure training before our long journey to Nepal). Again, saying goodbye to my boyfriend in a place other than the airport before a long trip, felt really weird. He has been very patient and understanding, and he's honestly the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. Cheesy I know (sorry Ryan)!
After training, we set off to Heathrow. We boarded the plane around 8pm, and so our journey began to Nepal.
I'm currently sat writing this post in Hamad International Airport, and it really is fascinating. There are people here from every nationality and I feel embraced in all the rich cultures. I could people watch for hours (which is probably what I'll be doing due to the 7 hour stopover...). I'm actually sat opposite a shop that sells just burkhas.
But for now, I need sleep! It's never easy sleeping on a plane is it? These bags need to disappear! I think everyone is going a bit crazy eith lack of sleep, but there's lots of giggles. Always a good sign!
My next blog post will be written in none other than Kathmandu, so keep you eyes peeled!
Alice x